Scéal of Art


Rust Colossus

featuring works by Lavin

About Scéal of Art

We are a creative ensemble working with Artists to find innovative ways to present their work.
Conceptually, we are exploring where the inspiration for their art comes from and the journey the artist travels to find it. Lavin was inspired by the Plassey shipwreck on Inis Oírr.


The Plassey is perched on a landscape of great reverence and beauty to the backdrop of Co.Clare. He heard her sound, he felt her touch, he held her emotion and he captured all of this onto the canvas. The next logical move was to frame these 'canvas', and place these ‘boxed in’ beauties into a ‘boxed in’ gallery with artificial light.


We are the step before the frame.
We are the step before containment.
Untamed, unframed


The artwork, inspired by an ancient landscape, now returned to meet its place of conception, Inís Oírr.
We were witness to an unexpected and profound interplay between landscape and artwork.
And so was born, Rust Colossus.


Áine O'Brien

Artist Statement

With these four paintings - the Rust Colossus triptych and Sourney - I visually represent themes from my poem, Plassey. The wreck of the Plassey on Inis Oírr is what I consider our generation’s monument - a reclining carcass of rust dilapidating at the mouth of Galway Bay, echoing the Colossus of Rhodes, for we who have inherited a dying earth.

The Triptych represents my people, and Sourney represents the past and future, watching.



concept/direction by Áine O'Brien

music/film by Neil FitzGibbon

location support - Emma O'Grady

creative consultancy by Gillian Kelly Dunne Hooper + Kind

featuring music by Ceara Conway, Denis McAuliffe & Neil FitzGibbon

Clare Arts Present

Local Live Performance Scheme 2022

Supported by the Dept. of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Media & Sport

Thanks to Doolin Ferry Company for sponsoring travel and transport

Conceptual Artist
Inis Oírr, Lavin Art